
Watch the webinar “LIFE NextFUMIGREEN: New Toxic-Free Agriculture” now! – LifeFumiGreen

Watch the webinar “LIFE NextFUMIGREEN: New Toxic-Free Agriculture” now!

What is the current situation regarding the use of fumigants, what alternatives exist to align with the European Green Pact and environmental protection, what European programmes and upcoming calls are available for innovative projects that contribute to economic and environmental sustainability?

The answers to all this were presented last Tuesday, 18th June, in the webinar “LIFE NextFUMIGREEN: New Toxic-Free Agriculture”, held at the headquarters of Tecnova, partner of the European project NextFUMIGREEN that will test the effectiveness of a new type of fumigant plant protection product based on natural active ingredients in the protection of the most representative crops in greenhouses.

Institutional representatives, partners of the NextFUMIGREEN project, and leaders of other European projects have contributed their knowledge to clarify where we are and where we are going. If you want to know what was said, we invite you to watch this webinar here.